Shri Ram is the seventh avatar of Bhagwan Vishnu. Ram is considered to be in Hinduism as the complete and perfect man or the Maryada Purushottama. Shri. Ram’s life is given as an example of virtue, courage, devotion and how religion or dharma is to be followed. The prime reason given for this avatar of Vishnu is said to be for the destruction of evil which was symbolized by the king of lanka Ravana.

Ram rajya or Rama rule is also given as an example of how the perfect rule of justice and freedom, peace and prosperity should be like.Shri Ram is one of the most popular deities in the Hindu religion. He is worshipped with devotion by Hindus, particularly those belonging to the Vaishnava sect.

The Aarti of Shri Ram if recited by the devotee with dedication and a clean heart is sure to bestow upon the devotee, all round peace and prosperity free from disease and trouble from enemies. All the benefits of worshipping Vishnu are automatically gained by the devotee as Shri.Ram is an manifestation of Vishnu.

Shri Ram Aarti

English Translation

Aarti Kije Shri Ramchandra Ki l

Dushtdalan Sitapati Ji Ki ll

Pahali Aarti Pushpan Ki Maala l

Kaali Naag Naath Laaye Gopala ll

Dusari Aarti Devaki Nandan l

Bhakt Ubaaran Kans Nikandan ll

Tisari Aarti Tribhuvan Mohe l

Ratna Sinhaasan Sita Ram Ji Sohe ll

Chauthi Aarti Chahu Yug Puja l

Dev Niranjan Svaami Aur Na Duja ll

Paanchavi Aarti Ram Ko Bhaave l

Ramji Kaa Yash Namadevaji Gave ll

श्री राम आरती

आरती कीजे श्री रामचंद्र की ।

दुष्टदलन सीतापति जी की ॥

पहली आरती पुष्पन की माला l

काली नाग नाथ लाए गोपाला ॥

दूसरी आरती देवकी नंदन l

भक्त उबारन कंस निकंदन ॥

तीसरी आरती त्रिभुवन मोहे l

रत्न सिंहासन सीता राम जी सोहे ॥

चौथी आरती चहुं युग पूजा l

देव निरंजन स्वामी और न दूजा ॥

पांचवीं आरती राम को भावे l

रामजी का यश नामदेवजी गावें ॥



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